Photographing TWINS!
These two little cuties turned 1 this week! OHHHH those expressions!! My heart melts....
I photographed these bambinos when they were born, in addition to their 4 year old twin brothers and older brother, and ADORE getting the chance to see them grow and change, and see their unique personalities develop, as well as their relationships withing the family!
I think most photographers who photograph children will agree that patience is high on the list of important traits we must hold! Patience, in addition to the ability to move fast, and change direction mentally, as the attention span of a baby/toddler is fleeting! The amazing parents of this sweet boy and girl duo are super relaxed and know that their lives can quickly fall from calm and order to hype and chaos, and were amazing at just letting the babies do their thing with me following behind!
OUR ideas were not the same as their ideas but the shot is one to remember regardless! :-)
Flexibility is key! We were attempting to get a certain shot I had in my mind but the babies had a completely different idea! Being able to work with what is in front of you is always necessary!
A quick diaper change to get everyone in sync...and of course kisses from Reagan were in order! Capturing the behind the scenes moments reveals some of the my favorite shots of the day!!
Being ready to catch those adorable moments! They leave as quickly as they come!!
I usually try to start with the twins together! I am still an unfamiliar character, and they are typically a little more leery of me at the start of a session! This is the perfect time for them to have the comfort of a fellow companion! I have noticed that they stay situated where we place them a little better when they are still feeling shy as well! I take advantage of this opportunity!!
I was surprised at how long I had with these two sitting in fairly close proximity and not trying to scurry off! You did good kids!! Eating rocks definitely was a good addition to the diet! ;-)
Having assistance is super important! I had mom and dad, plus an aunt and of course the younger kids to help distract them and get some fun expressions! After getting a bunch of Reagan and Grant together, I had a helper pull out one of them for some shots alone!
Don't you want to just gobble them up???? I know I did!!
When you are photographing subjects that are moving, or you see something cute but they aren't in quite the "right" spot/framing/lighting...don't worry, TAKE THE SHOT! I have noticed that some of my all time FAVORITE shots are NOT following the "rules" of photography!! Bottom line is, my job is to capture the moment, the emotion, the feeling, the beauty, and to give the families gorgeous MEANINGFUL pictures of their sweet babies! They don't care about the rules!!
If the parents offer up a fun "prop" for the kids, this can turn into some really fun interactive type images! Mom and dad had this big batch of balloons that were absolutely perfect to give some variety to the look of the shoot!! It gave the babies something to focus on plus added color and "theme".
Those FACES, the best EVER!!
Mom asked Reagan to give Grant a kiss...she was happy to oblige, according to his mama, he's not as into it as she is!! :-) Made for a wonderful capture however!
Reagan was getting an outfit change and I saw Grant chillin' out in the doorway, the perfect opportunity and lighting for an adorable shot! Be ready to shoot during the down times too!
The light that fell on this table behind this bush was fantastic, so we used the table (with an adult just out of camera shot on both sides) as an unconventional location! I love how they turned out!
The kids were starting to wear down a bit so we went inside for a few. By this time Grant wanted mom and Reagan was fascinated with what *I* was doing! Those eyes though....
All he needed was some mama snuggles and love!
I also found out he LOVES to be on the stairs so stairs it is! I hoped over the baby to situate myself upstream! During sessions that may become tricky, find what makes baby happy and get ready to create!! I love having mom in these pictures with him as well! Memories....
The colors in the master bedroom are some of my favorites, so we headed there to finish up the session! We had 4 year old twins, parents, aunts and me all behind the camera getting the attention of the munchkins! This was our last location and it wrapped things up beautifully!!
When you see the quantity of images I walked away with from the session, you would think that I was there for hours! I believe all the shooting didn't last more than an hour, and that involves all the locations and outfit changes! Like I said before, I have a small window of time when it comes to photographing kids/babies so I work fast! We moved from one place to the next which kept the kids happy, distracted and extremely photogenic!! ...although they had that part covered all on their own!!
Photographing twin one year olds was FANTASTIC!!! These two "performed" like champs and we never left their home so they were in a familiar area surrounded by familiar faces!
It may seem daunting to photograph multiples but I think of them as so much FUN! Partly because you don't truly know what you are going to get, but whatever you DO get, will surely be a part of a long lived memory!
Thank you to the family for letting me share and showcase 2 of their 5 beautiful children and welcome me into their home to capture the memories! I can't wait for the second birthday!!!
To schedule a session or for information, or heck, just to say hey, I can be reached at! I'm always up to just connect or answer questions!
☮ Carry on and find what you have PASSION for. Always make progress towards your goals as the progress is probably the most satisfying part!!
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