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Hike it, why I like it!

If you are a Coloradan and from Denver, you will most likely recognize this part of I70!  I have always loved coming up over the crest of the hill and passing under the bridge to this view! Today, it was covered in beautiful snow and we were heading up for a snowy hike! We were trying out a new trail, up by a local ski area that was a little tricky to get to but leave it to my guy to figure it out!  We were in for a treat, not only in the hike up but at the summit as well!! The snow was plentiful and the day was chilly but the hike kept us pretty warm!  I loved all the little details we got to see! Two miles up, two miles down (well The sliver of a moon showing it's face. OH those views... We took our time climbing, enjoying some stops to take it all in. There were so many different things to see on the journey, as there always is, especially if you keep your eyes open and looking ...

Making Magic!!

Most people would have rescheduled.  

We talked a few days before about the predicted conditions, and whereas I am always up for snowy shoots (because damn, they ARE magical) not every client is up for the challenge!  It's not easy.  You are typically frozen to the bone, your hair won't be perfect, your clothes won't be flowy and light, you may have snowflakes falling in your eyes or making water marks on your shirt.  Even though we all want to speed up the shooting process (because let's face it, when I can't feel the camera shutter release we have problems) we have to move even more methodically and purposefully.  We have to have a mutual patience during the session and remember to laugh at the circumstances and KNOW, that the outcome will be nothing short of amazing!

All those amazing pieces fell into place this snowy Sunday.  We had originally planned a mountain shoot, at sunrise, but plans were foiled and frankly, I'm glad they were!  We had headed up to our first location of choice and the roads were treacherous.  We made the decision to turn around, regroup, and come up with a plan B on the fly!

Mary and Samson were total troopers and had an amazing time connecting to either other and enjoying their moment, despite the weather!

This shoot was incredible, and I walked away thrilled with the session, and even more thrilled with what I saw on my computer as each image loaded to the screen.  I'm so happy that they were up for the challenge, and it WAS a challenge (did you see her dress? brrrrrr lol) but they rose to it and ended up with phenomenal memories surrounding a most special and important time of their young lives!! 

To me, snow or rain on a special day means infinite good luck! 💗

Dress shoes and all, he was ready.

Dressed in a stunning backless white dress, she looked incredible with the powdery white backdrop mother nature provided.

Seeing your soul mate in their dress makes your heart skip a beat.

I love how her eyes light up when she sees him.

When it got too cold to handle... and naturally, these images became some of my favorites. It's about ALL the feels. 

She said this was the warmest she had been all day! 💗

Below, we were able to find some shelter from a few overhanging trees. I loved watching them "do them". Their connection unfolded in front of me and was authentic and special.

It was time to wrap it up with a bow, and head to the warmth of our cars.  I am SO glad that these two beautiful souls wanted to brave the conditions and see the vision themselves, in the snowy day!  It was SO very worth every minute!

During those moments that you may think your plans are spoiled, remember there are always options even if they weren't your first choice!  This wasn't sunrise, but wasn't it so much better???  😊

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!  I am always flattered and humbled!  

Until next week....



  1. Oh my gosh!!! I love them all!!! She makes this shoot look like a warm spring day at the park.

  2. I love them all!!! She makes cold weather look like a dream! I would be frozen and bundled hahaha She seemed very collected and like the weather didn't bother her at all. So gorgeous Suzanne.

    1. Thank you she really did look magical and like the cold didn't bother her!! She was frozen but totally up for the challenge!!

  3. These are wonderful! I love that your clients were up for the challenge and they were definitely rewarded with some beautiful photos. You captured their connection so beautifully and the snow really added so much magic to the images.

    1. Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment!! We had a wonderful time and I'm so pleased with the session!

  4. Yay! I love snowy sessions! They are so stunning and they make for some awesome memories! Props to these two for sticking it out!

    1. I do as well and agreed!! They were troopers and it paid off big time!!

  5. So glad they went for it--beautiful snowy photos!

  6. These are so dreamy and beautiful! Thank goodness they were up for being in the snow, because these turned out stunning. <3

    1. Thank you so much and I know!! I am so glad they wanted to just do it!!

  7. These are so cute! I absolutely love snowy sessions, there is something so magical about falling snow. Beautiful work, and kudos to you for braving the cold!


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