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Hike it, why I like it!

If you are a Coloradan and from Denver, you will most likely recognize this part of I70!  I have always loved coming up over the crest of the hill and passing under the bridge to this view! Today, it was covered in beautiful snow and we were heading up for a snowy hike! We were trying out a new trail, up by a local ski area that was a little tricky to get to but leave it to my guy to figure it out!  We were in for a treat, not only in the hike up but at the summit as well!! The snow was plentiful and the day was chilly but the hike kept us pretty warm!  I loved all the little details we got to see! Two miles up, two miles down (well The sliver of a moon showing it's face. OH those views... We took our time climbing, enjoying some stops to take it all in. There were so many different things to see on the journey, as there always is, especially if you keep your eyes open and looking ...


Moving into college dorms, playing with a young friend.

You know those statements that you hear a lot that kind of weigh on you at some point? Be it something that was said to you over and over growing up, or maybe its a statement from your closest friends or family, referring to something they may not understand.

The phrase that I hear, not all the time, but enough to make me think a little is, "why don't you put down your camera and just enjoy the moment".  

At different times of my life I have pondered the concept of what they were saying.  I mean, I certainly never claim to know everything and possibly, just possibly they are right!  

Finding her way at college registration, me trying to give her space.

Here and there, I made the conscious decision to leave my camera at home or my phone in my pocket.  I absolutely DID thoroughly enjoy the moment, watching my kids do something that they love, interact with someone of utmost importance to myself and them,  seeing a most beautiful moment in nature or something that my sweet puppy does that makes my heart melt.  

Sitting at the door, just like he likes to do, in hopes of sneaking outside.

What I also noticed though, was the many moments during this experiment that left me longing to be able to raise a camera to my eye. I have been seeing the world through a lens for a LONG time.  Even when I am out and about, I see things that make me instantly reach for my phone to grab just a moment in time that inspires me or makes me feel.

...the way her hair looked in the evening sunlight...

I realized that I see the world, people, light, "things", differently than the non photographer does and I RELISH in the challenge of telling a story with my camera, framing it up, and snapping the shutter. It gives me a wonderful sense of pleasure to come home from an adventure and load up all the images and videos and be able to see what moments I took away, and re-live moments that truly were just moments in time, but will make an indelible mark on me.  It may surprise you that for all the photographs I have taken over the years, there are only a few that I can't look at and tell you what was going on when I took the capture.

A moment when all I had was my IPhone, and I am so glad that I did.

All this being said, I absolutely appreciate the challenge to try a different "way" but I can also say I will happily stick to what I have found upon me, as my way.  Having a camera around my neck, looking at the world and seeing a picture that makes an impact to me, and hopefully someone else as well, and will probably always be a high for me!

Rest assured, I most DEFINITELY enjoy it!  

Captured in a millisecond, as I pulled out of my complex one foggy morning, before I was forced to make a quick turn.

Climbing down the steep staircase from Hanging Lake.

My dad, always reading the paper in the morning, perfectly lined up and in order, one of his little pleasures in life. 

A genuine laugh caught...

Moments with Grandparents are always cherished.  Waiting for a table at IHOP. 


  1. I am the same way Uncle Stan is with my paper. If someone reads it before me you may as well throw it out and buy me a new paper! I

    Jill Martin Johnson


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