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knows that last year I fell in LOVE with being up in the mountains, and hiking or snowshoeing! It started last spring and quickly became a part of my weekend that was essential to me feeling like the weekend was a good one!
This area turned out to have incredible views but not great trails! I'll take it!
How do I decide what trail to hike or where to go? This is a question I get asked often!! Funny, I'm not a spontaneous person, but other than knowing that I'm going on a hike, I don't usually have a trail in mind and decide what trail to head to last minute based on how I'm feeling at the moment!
I start getting all giddy when I see views like this heading up to a trail!
How do I pick you ask? 1) I have a nifty app on my phone called AllTrails that has served me VERY well in picking fun adventures! 2) As far as snowy treks, I rely on a book of snowshoeing trails that Chris got me for Christmas along with my very first snowshoes!!
Gabby and I came across this fantastic trail when our first choice was blocked due to an accident! Thank goodness for my trail guide!
So back to AllTrails....super easy to use, you can plug in the area that you want to go to and get a list, by map, of what's in your area of interest, how difficult the trail is and possibly some photos! You can read reviews, get the elevation changes and know what other kinds of hikers you may encounter (as in are dogs allowed, is it a trail good for kids, etc....)
Not all trails end up being keepers, this one being way too busy for my taste! The payoff though was this sight, and having climbed it with my kid!!
With the exception of a few all time favorite trails, I like to explore something new so in general, I don't return to the same trail! There are a few though that were just THAT perfect, that I will visit them more than once!!
The Beaver Brook trail is one I have returned to and plan to visit again, it was just that good!!
The girls and I found this trail on a whim and ended up loving it!
Getting out and about, whether solo or with a group, is great food for the soul! I find that it is my escape, for my mind and to feed my passion of photography. I look forward to every adventure and take something away from each one of them.
If you find a fantastic trail that you love, please leave a comment because I am always open to hearing!! Just get out and do it!!!
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