Emma, where do I start with this stunning young lady. The connections that brought her to me were many, and I am beyond in awe of our session. This dark haired beauty was actually a little on the shy side. Working with her and watching her come alive in front of the camera was satisfying, and seeing her glance at me with a serious but soft look became my favorite expression on her. Her smile though...when that shone through, it made ME grin in response!
A week before our session, our scheduled date was predicted to be stormy, dark and cold. We had had snow and rain for quite a few days and it didn't look like things were going to let up. I checked my phone daily, to see how we were sitting since, well, this is Colorado after all. By Wednesday, my heart skipped a beat when my phone said that sun and 50's were forecast! We would have shot the session regardless, deadlines don't wait, but this turn of events made me (and I'm sure Emma) a happy girl!
So the weather was the FIRST of the happy moments of the day! I kept saying, as we made our way through the session and the various locations we had planned to visit, today was a series of happy incidents! See below to get a little glance into our day, and our journey!
This location has a plethora of really cool elements to work with!
Glass, one of my favorite things to work with to create a contemporary vibe!
Architecture and lines are SO fun to work with as a variety from the nature setting!
When I made this shot, I remember thinking, nahhh, it was a fun idea but it didn't work, I only took one. It ended up being one of my favorites!
She fits here....
Random bits of bold color...💓

Piercing blue eyes and black hair...a beautiful combo!
First happy accident, when we were able to pop inside a building and came across a huge "tree" of one of Emma's favorite things, books!

More from our indoor happy place that we didn't expect to get! This staircase though.....
More of my love for reflection and moving away from the "norm".
When the flowers are mostly gone but we still have leaves!! 💚
We finished up what we wanted to do at location number one, and made our way back down to the next spot, but I decided to have us take a road I hadn't gone down before....enter, happy accident number two!! Random old cars!
We spotted two older cars, one was this old Bronco which was my personal favorite, and then another older car that made for FANTASTICALLY fun variety that was completely unexpected! To me, those are the BEST treats to come across!!
The owner of the car was eating at an outdoor restaurant, saw our interest in his car, and yelled out for us to hop inside and use it as much as we wanted for some pictures!! Can you imagine HOW ecstatic I was?? lol
I am STILL over the moon thrilled at this find!!
Back to grasses...my fascination with them is never ending! Yellow grasses plus the setting sun...pure magic!
The world seemed to be alive with these tidbits of unique beauty this day. My eyes are always scanning my surroundings, and one thing after another kept catching my eye!
This location above was spotted, in an alley, as we made our way back to the car! Could it be any more fabulous? Emma's mom and I both spotted this white and maroon wall that would be the perfect spot for some final photos with a dress we had left behind. We had to do it....
It was time to REALLY wrap things up 😉 and head our separate ways. I thoroughly enjoyed this girl, her mom, and our time together. I enjoyed creating, watching her unfold, and being able to send off a gallery of joy to her family. It is all so rewarding to me, building and getting better at my craft, as well as making a whole group of people tremendously happy with memories that will live on forever. It is why I do what I do!
Until next week....
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