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Hike it, why I like it!

If you are a Coloradan and from Denver, you will most likely recognize this part of I70!  I have always loved coming up over the crest of the hill and passing under the bridge to this view! Today, it was covered in beautiful snow and we were heading up for a snowy hike! We were trying out a new trail, up by a local ski area that was a little tricky to get to but leave it to my guy to figure it out!  We were in for a treat, not only in the hike up but at the summit as well!! The snow was plentiful and the day was chilly but the hike kept us pretty warm!  I loved all the little details we got to see! Two miles up, two miles down (well The sliver of a moon showing it's face. OH those views... We took our time climbing, enjoying some stops to take it all in. There were so many different things to see on the journey, as there always is, especially if you keep your eyes open and looking ...

Celebrating another year!

Birthday hike to one of my favorite places with Chris!

Ahhhh, no blog post last week for the FIRST time in a year and a half!  I am so ashamed lol...  I joke, I joke!  

I have felt uninspired last week about what to write about. No cool vacations, lots of cool shoots of course but those will be shared eventually.  My goal is to have a running blog dialogue that you as my reader will want to come back week after week to see what's up!  I don't want to just throw something up just to have it so, there is my pitiful excuse, or maybe a better way to phrase it, my reality!

If you follow me on social, you know that last Friday was my birthday!  I am dorky like this, but I LOVE birthdays! I love to celebrate mine and other people's that I love and care about!  Its a special day that is all yours. Its a day to be made to feel special or to make others feel special!  Whereas I am beyond enjoying the new number that every year brings (like when I was 19 going on 20 it was such a milestone and feather in my cap 😅 ), I love the feeling behind the day!

With that being said, I was made to feel super special this  year so I thought it would be fun to recap my birthday week, since it did start a few days early, and went a few days later than the actual day!!

Here we go!

DAY1 of celebration:

Gabby happened to be in town for the weekend of Father's Day, and like the sweet girl she is, extended her trip to stay a couple more days to celebrate with me!  We enjoyed time just chillin' together, enjoying some good burgers out together and maybe a treat happened too!  I didn't expect to see her this birthday so it was a hugely exciting surprise for good old mom!

Diddy is always thrilled when his Gab comes home! 

DAY 2 of celebrations:


So this birthday, Chris was out of town, my bestie Tara was out of town, but I had my FAIR BEAR who totally made me feel special, loved and cared for!  She did some unexpected stuff around the house for me before I got home from work, offered to grab me a Starbucks and bring it to me at work and spent the evening with me eating dinner and taking a walk with Diddy afterwards!  Time spent with my loved ones is truly the best gift ever!!

DAY 3 of celebrations:

Saturday proved to be a busy day!  Trained at the gym in the morning and had a late photo session that evening! In between though was a beautiful couple of house spent at the pool, in total relaxation with Farron and Hannah, soaking in the rays, which I LOVE to do, and dipping into the water!

THIS, was much needed!

DAY 4 of celebrations: the final hurrah....

Sunday was finally the day that I would get to celebrate with Chris!  

We started our morning with a Starbucks and a hike up at St. Mary's Glacier! It is one of my favorite places to hike to!  A short and sweet, albeit challenging hike, with an amazingly beautiful payoff!  We hung out at the top for a bit taking it all in, and taking pictures, before we headed back down and into town!

The weather went from warm to chilly in an instant as soon as the wind kicked up!

We knew storms were in the forecast and headed off the hill and made it back to the car about 10 minutes before we had a horrendous downpour!  Rain, wind and hail, all the way back and into Arvada!!

After resting a bit at home, we headed downtown to pick up my birthday present, something that I always SWORE I would never own....a pair of Birkenstocks!! 😋 The REI flagship store is always a fun treat to visit so we went there, got my shoes and saw about 200 other things I would have bought if I were rich, and headed to Morton's Steak House where Chris treated the girls and I to a most incredible dinner!  This turned out to be quite an exciting experience!  They offered a personalized birthday menu, fabulous steak and a chocolate cake that was to die for! 

So comfy...who knew??  😉

I think we all wish we could have bought about 10 pairs of cool shoes at REI!  

This man made me feel so special! 💗

Check out the heading on the menu!!!  

If you have never had a bacon haven't lived!! lol 

Following all THAT decadence, we headed home to meet my parents for MORE cake lol, and time with family! 

So there ya have it!  How I celebrated this year, having another of challenges, opportunities, successes and failures under my belt.  Hopefully each year I will become wiser and wiser and no matter what comes my way, always choose happy!

Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy day in person, over text, on the phone or on social media.  It may seem like a small thing to do, but I will tell you it means a ton to me!  You are all appreciated!

Until next week...



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